Habit Smart #3: Mental Health and Emotional Fitness


  • UnknownHabit Smart #3: Mental Health and Emotional Fitness can be tailored for Years  10, 11 and 12 students.
  • Sessions are 90 to 120 minutes negotiable with timetable.
  • Sessions are run for girls and boys separately or together.
  • Optional: anonymous survey done the month prior to inform the session.
  • Includes response to survey concerns, staff consultation, multimedia content, current research, adolescent development & popular culture considerations and student participation.

This seminar provides students with basic psycho – education and skills for strengthening mental health. Mental Health is our personal capacity to manage day to day work/ study and relational choices, challenges and stresses. Mental Illness or unwellness is when students may be unable to manage their choices, challenges and stresses in their usual way for longer than two weeks. This seminar is also titled Emotional Fitness so mental health can be understood as something which needs to be maintained and can be  improved. There are many parallels between physical health and mental health with our response options involving prevention and treatment.

Six dimensions of Mental Health and Emotional Fitness are presented in The Mental Health Habit Seminar:

  1. Individual Choice: differences, history, values, goals
  2. Understanding Mental Health: the brain, thoughts, feelings & behaviours
  3. Emotional Hygiene: positive psychology, emotional fitness and regulation habits
  4. Emotional First Aid and CPR: managing emotional demands & stressful life events.
  5. Emotional Triage: when professional care is required; clinical depression & anxiety
  6. Taking Action: protective & curative; lifestyle change, talking therapies (ACT) & meds

Full seminar outline and fees can be discussed upon request.

2013 Mission Australia Youth Survey results feature in the seminar.
