This seminar provides basic psycho – education and skills for strengthening mental health. Our Mental Health is our personal capacity to manage day to day work and relational choices, challenges and stresses. Mental unwellness is when we are unable to manage choices, challenges and stresses at our usual level for longer than two weeks. This seminar is also titled Emotional Fitness so mental health can be understood as something we need to maintain and can improve. There are many parallels between physical health and mental health with our response options involving prevention and treatment.
The Emotional Fitness Hexagon
6 Interacting Dimensions
- Individual Choice: differences, history, values, goals
- Understanding Mental Health: brain, thoughts, feelings & behaviours
- Emotional Hygiene: positive psychology, emotional fitness and regulation habits
- Emotional First Aid and CPR: managing emotional demands & stressful life events.
- Emotional Triage: when professional care is required; clinical depression & anxiety
- Taking Action: protective & curative; lifestyle change, talking therapies (ACT) & meds
Clients have recently included: Auburn Council, Transurban, Insight Technology, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bartier Perry Lawyers and Healthworks Corporate.
Full seminar outline and fees can be discussed upon request.