Teen Sex Smart for Parents

Merilyn in Manly Daily raising concerns about the rise in teen Chlamydia notifications and porn usage.

Parent seminars can be hosted by schools or community groups for parents to attend. There is no limit to the number of parents who can attend these sessions. There is an option for the parents to complete an anonymous Survey Monkey survey a month prior to the seminar so the session can reflect the particular experiences, questions and concerns of the parent cohort.


Six dimensions of the Sexual Intelligence Sexagon are presented:

  1. Sexual Intelligence: Questions, Context, Challenges and Choices
  2. Motivation and Direction: Values, Standards and Goals; Protective and Proactive
  3. Adolescent Development: Cognitive &  Psycho – Sexual Development
  4. Sexual Activity: Physical and Mental Health considerations
  5. Romantic Competence: Intimate relationship skills
  6. Mating Intelligence: Smart partner choosing

“ Merilyn knows what she is talking about and who she is talking to. With candour, wit and sensitivity she provided my partner and I with valuable tools and resources to talk with our children about this very important part of their mental, physical and social health.”

“This was an eye opening and informative talk about what our kids face as teenagers today … you think you know what they’re up against but, wow, I consider myself an in touch parent but the seminar opened my mind to a whole new world where our teenagers are concerned. Merilyn helped me to become more aware of what it’s like for our kids and gave me strategies as to how to deal with any issues” 
